New Service for Online Campaigns and Fundraising

Pioneers in open source solutions for business in Puerto Rico, Altamente now offers Kanpora, an online platform that makes CivicCRM and Drupal based solutions easy to implement.
In March 2013, Altamente started exploring technology alternatives that would enable non-profits to do more good works, optimizing their administrative processes and contributor relationship management.
In June, Altamente launched our first site using both CiviCRM and Drupal Solutions. In two weeks we saw this fundraising effort raise over $30,000. Campaign managers could derive custom reports on contributions by cities, zipcodes, gender, corporations, etc. Donors could become fundraisers themselves. This first hand experience witnessing the power of data driven campaign development led to the roll out of a new service: Kanpora.
Kanpora is an online platform that makes CiviCRM and Drupal solutions easy to use for fundraising campaigns and non-profits. This solution brings together the most competittive open source software in their class. Drupal is a robust content management system that is used in many high profile government sites and in a wide variedty of community based sites. CiviCRM is perhaps best known as the grassroots fundraising platform that was used by the Obama campaign in both the 2008 and 2012 elections. The criticism of both solutions is the high degree of complexity in setting them up, let alone integrating them. With Kanpora this is no longer a problem.
Kanpora is Basque verb phrase used to say "get out!" We at Altamente want to get the good news out and have help from outside to help you reach your goals.
After a decade of slow or negative economic growth the challenge of doing business in Puerto Rico is learning how to do more with less. The key in our books is open source. Altamente has been actively working with and contributing to Drupal projects for over a decade. Our goal is to enable people and businesses to do more!